June 12, 2010

Kar Wai Wong - Creative Time Traveller

2046 (2004)

Kar Wai Wong, is a Hong Kong based film director who is internationally renowned for his visually unique films. He is also a famous screen writer. He started his career as a graphic designer, but destined to become a film maker.
'2046" is a film about past present and future. The main character who is a writer performed by Tony Leung, lives in the past and future but trying to escape the present. Wong Kar Wai has directed such a difficult theme which turned into a visually beautiful experience. Cinematography plays an important role, every second of the film is filled with stunning visuals which one cannot imagine. Wong Kar Wai's films are very unique and can haunt your minds for days.

In the Mood for Love (2000)

Wong Kar Wai's exceptional script writing brings blossoms and fragrance to this movie. Beautiful movie about love and extra-marital issues. "In the Mood for Love" is a story about a man and woman who unexpectedly form a bond when they discover their partners having extra-marital relationships. Beautifully pictured movie that portrays relationships. Music is nostalgic. Again Tony Leung  and Maggie Cheung has given their best performances and are favourite actors of Wong Kar Wai. Cinematography is extraordinary like all of his movies. There is no fake in this romantic movie. It just happened as anyone can notice as the film progress. It truly created the mood for love.

Chungking Express (1994)

"If my memory of her has an expiration date, let it be 10,000 years..."- Tagline of "Chungking Express". Wong Kar Wai, during his two month break decided to do a film following his instincts and ended up with extraordinary "Chungking Express", a simple romance involving a policeman told in two different times with two different stories. Creative use of colours, hand held camera work are magnificent. "Chungking Express"is without doubt one of the best contemporary Asian films. Wong Kar Wai's unique style of film making is praise-worthy.

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